I LOVE eggs, not just 'cuz they're healthy, but also because they serve as an egg-cellent backdrop for a flavour bonanza.
Take Tuesday morning for example:
I had been away for the weekend and didn't have much in the fridge. What I did have: Eggs, mini bocconcini cheese, milk and about 5 mins for breakfast!
I scrambled up the eggs in a bowl, adding a dash of milk (you can also use a touch of cold water...either way, this helps your eggs become light and fluffy) and my secret ingredient: a pinch of Montreal Steak Spice - a lightening fast way to add a zing to just about everything!
I cut the mini bocconcini in half and threw them into the egg mixture and dumped the whole lot in a pan heated to medium. As I stirred and flipped the eggs around with my spatula, those lovely little nuggets of cheesy goodness started melting and pooling their creaminess throughout the eggs and almost caramelizing the cheese's natural sugars.
Now, don't get me wrong...any cheese cubed or grated and added to your sunshiny scramble. Heck don't even stop there! You can add leftover ham in roast or sandwich meat form, a bit of diced pepper, some tomato, mushrooms, go nuts! But these little luscious lumps of lactic love did the trick.
Bocconcini is an unripened buffalo or cow's milk cheese originating in Naples (Napoli). Some call it Baby Mozzarella as it's produced in a similar fashion. It is mild and spongy and takes on the flavour of the ingredients it accompanies. It typically comes in 3 sizes: regular (golf ball sized), mini (grape sized) and pearl (take a guess!).
Try it tossed through fresh, warm pasta, plunked into a bowl of tomato soup or baked into a quiche!